
Tate, Fitzwilliam and Arts Council scoop up works at Frieze

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The Frieze Tate Fund offers a team of Tate and international curators £150,000 to purchase works for Tate’s collection. This year, six works were acquired, including Ayoung Kim’s Delivery Dancer’s Sphere (2022); Santiago Yahuarcani’s 2023 painting on bark Espiritu de cumala; and I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih’s Bikin Kesenangan (making pleasure) (1998). Tessa Boffin’s series of prints, Angelic Rebels: Lesbians and Safer Sex (1989/2013) will feature in Tate Britain’s forthcoming Women in Revolt! exhibition, while a 2023 installation by Adam Farah-Saad reflects Tate’s aim to use the fund to platform young artists.The Contemporary Art Society’s Collection Fund purchased works by three women artists: Goshka Macuga’s vase in the shape of a plaster head, Rabindranath Tagore (Blue) 2022; Grada Kilomba’s gold-engraved charcoal blocks, Untitled Poem (one sorrow, one revolution) (2023); and The Dream 11 (mae), a 2023 painting by Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum.This year also sees the Arts Council Collection launch a new acquisitions fund at Frieze aimed at supporting early-career and overlooked UK-based artists. The four artists purchased from this inaugural £40,000 fund are Anne Tallentire from Hollybush Gardens, Mark Corfield Moore from Outset, Tanoa Sasraku from Vardaxoglou Gallery and Julian Knox from Edel Assanti.New prizewinners announcedThis year sees the fifth year of the Camden Art Centre Emerging Artist Prize, which goes to Jack O’Brien, who is represented by Ginny on Frederick and will receive a solo exhibition at Camden Art Centre. The awarding panel was chaired by the director of the centre, Martin Clark, who said: “It’s only the second time we’ve made the award to a London-based artist and gallery, and it feels like such an energised time in London at the moment.”The French Mexican artist Alicia Paz is the winner of the sixth £1,500 Young Masters Prize sponsored by Evelyn Partners, for her work Juantas (Together) (2021). Two highly commended prizes of £500 each awarded by the Artists Collecting Society go to Sadie Lee and Joshua Donkor and the winner of the Young Masters Maylis Grand Ceramics Prize is Anne-Laure Cano for Ussad-144 (2022) made from reassembled fragments of broken ceramic pieces. South Korean artist SaeRi Seo snagged the Emerging Woman Artist Award.

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